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The Memory Shell in…For Infinity and Beyond

What is it all About?

At the story’s beginning, Taye hands her Mom a shell she found at the beach and says, Thanks Mom, for making this day so special.  I love you.

For Infinity and Beyond celebrates spending time together, making great memories that will last…For Infinity and Beyond.   

We want our children to appreciate that it is not about what you get but what you get to do together.  Memories will last forever. 

Now you have a shell like the one in the story to hold all your unforgettable memories.  Whenever you get the chance to spend time together, grab your shell, hold it tight and say together…

            Always remember, and never forget….

I love you every second,

Of every minute

Of every hour

Of every day

Of every week

Of every  month

Of every year

Of every decade….

For Infinity and Beyond!

Now that memory is tucked safely away!  In a week, month, day, or year, or whenever you want to remember all those special memories, grab your shell and hug it.  All those amazing memories will flood your heart with all those amazing memories!

Copyright 2025 Terri Peel Bechtold All Rights Reserved