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5 Star Reviews for Momisms: Life Lessons from a Cool Mome from Readers’ Favorite!

5 Stars!

Momisms: Life Lessons from a Cool Mom by Terri Peel Bechtold is filled with positive input from someone who has raised two daughters. She has a lot of tidbits for young readers to consider as they enter their middle school and high school years. Each “Momism” is composed of a short paragraph—sometimes no longer than a single sentence to think about—not unlike the book of Proverbs. You can read through them all at once, or even take one each day and ponder the meaning. I could imagine these Momisms put into one of those daily calendars. The preface is an honest Mom-to-Mom (or a Mom-to-Dad) type of introduction, giving helpful tips that the author learned along the way. The artwork is filled with color, positivity, and imagination that helps draw the reader in and want more.

Some of my favorite sayings in the book include, “Someday is not on the calendar,” “Impatience rarely triumphs,” and “Always speak to yourself with kindness.” These simple-sounding phrases can inspire the reader to move forward, especially when they struggle with all the things that life brings. The author also introduces the “Empowerment Ap” at the end of the book, and explains its usefulness and purpose. Books like Momisms: Life Lessons From a Cool Mom by Terri Peel Bechtold help young people to clarify their thought processes, imagine something better, and motivate them to be better. I think this book will be a catalyst to help many young people as they grow into adulthood. Highly recommended.

5 Stars

Have you ever read a book with sayings you have heard all your life but enjoyed anyway? Momisms: Life Lessons from a Cool Mom by Terri Peel Bechtold is that type of book and the mom-sayings are worth repeating more than once. One saying that I love is, “Changing your attitude changes your perspective.” That is so true, and it’s what I taught for over 40 years in my counseling office. Every area of life is included in these sayings; reading them makes you feel more prepared to face life. This is a powerful book filled with wisdom for living. Terri includes what she calls the “Impowerment (sic) App.” This deals with keeping your attitude positive and optimistic, your perspective balanced and sensible, and your perseverance indomitable and unflappable. I enjoyed reading this book and savoring advice I have heard since childhood.

Terri Peel Bechtold knows how to hold the reader’s interest and proves it in Momisms. Using pithy, wise sayings that must be ingrained in a mother’s nature, Terri shares words that will guide the reader into a fruitful life. Each of these sayings is on a page that is wonderfully illustrated in bright and cheery colors. One learns to use one’s words to build others up and not tear them down. I highly recommend this book to everyone as its wisdom will lead you on the path to a wonderfully lived life. Terri explains much about the wisdom presented, such as the difference between a challenge and an opportunity. The difference is perspective. After reading this book, you will keep it handy to read it more than once.

4 Stars

Self-proclaimed “cool mom” Terri Peel Bechtold has compiled her most sage advice in an ultimate motivational guide for parents, caregivers/guardians, and children in Momisms: Life Lessons From a Cool Mom. In this book, she offers a range of wisdom through succinct, thought-provoking sayings that will support and reassure your children. These positive and insightful phrases can guide them toward becoming more resilient, empowered, and open-minded. In this way, the book is more than simply a collection of principles — it provides crucial ways to take charge of and influence your life (and theirs) for the better.

Perhaps Terri Peel Bechtold’s most innovative concept is the Impowerment app, which is a mindset geared toward raising confident and determined children. She promotes a way of existence that strives to meet your children’s emotional needs at all times – whether this is being sympathetic, giving them “tough love,” or simply lending an ear. The tone of the writing is friendly, as though you are receiving counsel from a confidant. I found the accompanying illustrations beautiful. I also thought it was beneficial that the author included a section at the end of the book for readers to jot down their own “Momisms.” Anyone who is looking to cultivate a sense of self-worth in themself and their loved ones will find this book valuable. Momisms: Life Lessons From a Cool Mom is an inspirational read that pre-empts many questions that may arise during parenthood, providing encouragement and a sense of comfort that you are not alone on this journey.

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